Early wake up call but as it was only just starting to get light put the heating on and went back to bed! At a much more civilised time emerged into another sunny and rapidly warming up day to get ready for our main purpose we've been hanging around the area, to take our friends to collect their new motorhome. So after breakfast we loaded up a few things they'd need then all aboard for the 2 hour run tio Elche. There was no rush as the appointment wasn't until 4.00pm so we had an unhurried drive along a very busy A7 autovia, arriving around 1.30pm. As expected it was closed so we went off in search of lunch.
It appears that Caravanas Cruze is a large dealer who are currently hosting a large exhibition in another locality and all of their staff are there so everything is by appointment.
"I know a good place" quoth he - but it was closed on Monday so frartther than scratch around looking for somewhere we just parked up and raided our plentiful supplies to kill time. As we arrived back to the dealer they were just opening up for us and we spent the next hour or so doing the handover of a very nice French built A-Class, not our particular cup of tea but what our friends wanted.
Once done the plan was to spend a couple of nights not too far away as a "shakedown" in case there were any problems. It is their intention to return to the UK almost immdeiately to collect all their "gear" as well as a medical appontment, so they wanted to make sure all was okay before they left. So we decided to head for an old haunt at San Fulgencio where, if we couldn't get on a site of some sort, we could wild camp around there. Only about 20 minutes and, as expected, everywhere was full so we chose a quiet spot on a side street and settled down. Bren provided an evening meal for all four of us as obviously they had no equipment as such.
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