Saturday, 8 February 2025

Saturday 8 February

As forecast it rained overnight but had dried up when we surfaced and took Jamie for his early morning ablutions. Most of the vans had left earlier so the car park was now quite empty. After breakfast Bren checked out the row of shops for some bits and pieces, particularly some of Jamies favourite treats we had run out of.

There is a Plenoil station here so we took the opportunity of once again refilling with incredibly cheap fuel, £1.13 per litre, then across to Carrefour to top up the larder prior to our stay at El Puerto de Santa Maria near Cadiz from Monday. That done we drove 20mins up to the aire at Castellar de la Frontera and emptied the waste and loo before parking up in a corner in the sunshine. Seems the water had been disconnected, a shame as we could have done with a top up but we should be okay until Monday.We do  have a couple of large bottles of water as a backup.

Latish lunch then, as we were getting excellent input from the solar panels, Terry spent the afternoon catching up on this blog (which is why there's a sudden rash of posts!). There's plenty of room to exercise Jamie so we'll stay here until Monday. During the afternoon the already half full aire saw more arriving although it never actually filled up completely. Unfortunately most of the newcomers were Spanish who were obviously meeting up for the weekend so it got a bit noisy. We chased off a Spanish campervan who was trying to park in the narrow space between us and the wall despite there being a perfectly adequate parking bay literally right next to them albeit at 90 degrees. If we'd let her stay she would have blocked off access to two other spaces!

A lot warmer this evening than of late so we didn't bother with the screens.

We have been checking the current exchange rate, always making our purchases in Euros, and we are seeing €1.20 / £1.00. Excellent, wonder how long it will last?

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