Wednesday, 1 January 2025

We're on our way!

Our first post, just to keep the many hundreds of our fans up-to-date. Having made the decision we set things in motion and made our brief plans, deciding to simply repeat what we've done before and that is, spend New Year with Terrys Mum before heading down to Folkestone for Le Shuttle. Bertie brought home a few days beforehand to be readied and loaded up - a bit less this time as we've had a bit of a clear-out and got rid of "stuff" we never use. Nevertheless there was still only minimal space left when we finally got away on New Year Eve after a pretty well non-existent Christmas which we couldn't be bothered with this year.

Nothing of any particular note, we had a nice day with Mum, parked up on her driveway, before heading south to catch our late afternoon train. Uneventful run, arriving quite early but finding that due to technical problems every booking had been re-arranged! They were, however, doing a good job of catching up and we managed to get away at more or less our booked time. It would have been nice to get an earlier departure as we were now faced with a short night drive to our first planned stop, but Bertie knows his way to Wissant and we were soon at the gate. Gate? Yes, the upgrading has finally been completed and it is now "payant" although the instructions were all but incomprehensible, expecting us to have downloaded an app we'd never heard of and made a booking. All a bit pointless really as just pressing a few buttons and presenting a credit card got us an entrance (and exit!) ticket, but we never worked out how to get electricity or water although we did spot that they were "extras". Not to worry, we didn't need them but 11 euro thingies wasn't really cheap.

Thus begins our next adventure!

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